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Abri robot tondeuse Robot Protect Life




Robot Protect Life is the new creation of Robot Protect. This vegetal robot mower garage will be in perfect harmony with your garden. 


Strawberries, decorative plants, herbs, flowers, let your imagination run wild!

Logo Robot Protect Side

The Robot Protect Side shelter protects your robot lawn mower that charges from the side. Our mission: is to offer a suitable robot mower shelter for all types of models.

Always attentive to your needs, the problem of side-loading shelters has come to our attention. Action ? Reaction. We launched the Robot Protect Side at the beginning of 2023, which will allow you to effectively protect your robot, regardless of how it recharges once on its base.

Our robot garages in pictures ...

abri robot protect c.jpg

Maximisez la durée de vie de votre appareil avec un abri robot tondeuse Robot Protect®

Grâce à votre investissement dans un robot tondeuse, votre pelouse est maintenant impeccable et ce, sans aucun effort. Afin de garantir à votre appareil des performances optimales sur le long terme, il est indispensable d’en prendre soin. Cela inclut plusieurs choses : l’entretien, la maintenance, les réglages mais aussi et surtout, et c’est là que nous intervenons : la protection.


La mission de l’abri robot tondeuse Robot Protect®, qu’importe le modèle, c’est de protéger et de préserver votre robot tondeuse, mais aussi votre investissement.


Pour cela, nous avons sélectionné des matériaux de haute qualité pour concevoir des abris robustes et résistants à travers le temps. Neige, grêle, pluie, soleil ou autre condition météorologique, soyez serein, l’abri robot tondeuse Robot Protect® est là pour contrer les diverses intempéries qui pourraient nuire à votre robot.


De même, en optant pour un bon abri robot tondeuse, vous réduirez potentiellement les coûts de maintenance et les éventuelles réparations suite à des dégâts de branche, de ballon ou autre.


Si vous avez fait l’acquisition d’un robot tondeuse, c’est que vous aimez les choses bien faîtes, et que vous avez du goût. C’est pour cela que les designs de nos abris ont été pensés pour s’intégrer harmonieusement dans votre jardin, en y ajoutant même une touche d’élégance et de modernité.


Ne laissez pas votre robot tondeuse exposé aux différents risques pouvant réduire sa longévité, protégez le avec un abri robot tondeuse, optez pour la qualité Robot Protect®.


Parcourez notre page compatibilité pour choisir la nouvelle maison de votre robot ou allez directement sur la boutique.



French brand, we do our best to analyze your needs in order to offer you the most suitable products in terms of design and performance .

Your robots, these little technological jewels, deserve a garage worthy of the name to ensure them an optimized lifespan .

Whatever the size and brand of your robot, you will find the suitable garage in our range.

Eco responsible , we want the life of your products to be as long as possible.

Our products are made in Europe .

Why a garage for a robotic lawnmower?

Robotic mowers, as qualitative and resistant as they may be, are electronic devices that forcibly suffer damages over time for various reasons. A good garage will naturally promote their proper functioning as well as their lifespan by offering protection against, for example:


- The sun : They will be sheltered from the ultraviolet rays of the sun (and the moon). The design of our garages has been thought out so that the air continues to circulate for good ventilation, which will prevent the stagnation of heat and humidity. A battery that operates at an average temperature of 30 degrees will see its lifespan reduced, even more at a temperature of 40 degrees etc. The screen on your robotic lawnmower is also sensitive to sunlight.

- The rain : The majority of robotic mowers are waterproof, however, the electronic circuits do not appreciate humidity, especially over a period of prolonged exposure. On average, a robot stays at least 16 hours a day on its base, the time spent under the garage is therefore significant, that is why our protections have been designed for better air circulation.

- Hail, lightning and falling branches : There are many dangers from the sky: lightning, hail, falling branches, tiles ...

Without a robotic lawnmower garage, you expose your machine to these elements which can cause significant damage to the robot or the charging station. Resistant and made with quality materials, our robotic lawn mower garages will protect your robots against these risks.

- Unwanted stares and stray bullets : If your robotic lawnmower is left outside unattended day and night, it becomes easy prey for thieves. Although recent models are equipped with an anti-theft system, the robotic lawnmower can be compared to an outward sign of wealth.

Your children or those of your neighbors enjoy playing ball in the garden. The dosage of force and precision are not always there, it could be that the ball falls violently on your equipment (and not only once).


ZI du Plessis Beuscher 35220 Châteaubourg


+33 (0)9 72 57 76 38

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